This is another article about a work-workout, a term I think I coined. A work-workout as I define it if I'm allowed to-- because I came up with it is this: An activity that is a means to two different ends. First to give the physique that all important exertion of muscle, while taxing the cardio vascular system as well- giving the body an all around conditioning. Secondly, at the end of this activity some form of productive work, that only physical exertion can produce is accomplished.
The goals we are striving to attain with the work-workout are therefore two fold. We want the productive work accomplished, but simultaneously, we also want as much of a full body workout that we can obtain through the activity.
Honda Self Propelled Lawn Mower
As with many of these work-workout exercises the choice of tool can be paramount to the success of the activity's two fold purpose. Obviously a riding mower is not the way to go. A self propelled walk behind mower is not a much better choice, as it negates the need to push from the feet, and utilize those calf muscles. That leaves two choices, both equally good for the work-workout.
A gas or electric mower that isn't self propelled will require the use of arms for mowing around tight areas by a bunch of push-pull motions. On straight aways there may not be a lot of arm work, but throughout there is plenty of leg work, that I think is even better than just plain walking.
An old fashioned push mower- unmotorized, will provide even more resistance that can increase the exertion whereas much more push-pull action will be required. Ankle weights can also improve the workout by providing even more resistance. Doing a large area is advisable. A one half acre piece of yard to mow will require about a walk equivalent to about two miles.
A unmotorized push mower tends to do a much better job on the grass anyway. The reason is that with this type of mower, the blades of grass are cut with a scissor like action. This is different than the spinning blade the tends to whip the grass to a shorter length. This can cause the tips o the blades of grass to dry and brown much more because they tend to be more frayed.
Another huge advantage of using muscle power to mow your grass is that it is not only more healthy for your body, it is also much healthier for your environment.
As the icing on the cake for this work-workout, don't forget about raking and trimming. An important tip for raking is this. Be a switch-hitter. By this I mean always use both sides of your body. It may feel awkward at first for a right handed person to rake like a left handed person, but it is good to keep physical balance.
Finally, get a pair of squeezable grass trimmers if you can still find them! Make sure you squat, or if you are going to kneel, wear pads. Knees can get injured from kneeling too much, and the pain and damage tends to come later. You don't notice it at first.